Wednesday, August 17, 2005

She has a hole!

To assuage your fears that Oinky would meet the fate of many a ceramic objects, I feel I should disclose that she has a hole.


I'm cruising along to my goal. I have managed to put away $15 the last two weeks. There is an extra dollar and some change in there. This, added by husband, was bribery. He really wanted a massage. He thought he could buy one off me. But he wanted to hold payment until after the act to be sure, "It was worth a dollar." Love that kid. Needless to say, he got the massage and I got the dollar.

Weekend Update - We had an unlovely weekend with my sweet parents. They were in town for a visit and managed to come down with the stomach flu just as they walked into the door. Total pooper (in more ways than one.) It was not so fun for them. In the end they enjoyed their time off from the real world and Rob and I enjoyed just having them around. Since then, I have been home with a bit of stomach instability myself.

A great reason to catch up on some blogging, where I have been largely absent.

A - Because of the flu I missed this shindig at Julia's. I was pretty pissed about this as these girls make me laugh and I was really looking forward to sweating my ass off. And they got to see Julia's stash! I mean, is that like pornographic or what?

B - I have been tagged by the oh so charmingly wicked Micky for the idiot meme. Oh, I mean idiosyncrasy meme. I've been mulling this over and really - all my idiosyncrasies make me a bit of an idiot. In a good way, of course. Answers will come in a future post.

C - Yesterday I received a package. Sweet love from the Notorious V-i-c-k-i. I have gotten few packages from bloggers and when I do I feel blessed and giddy and happy all over. Many thanks Ms Vicki. I'm so sad I didn't get to meet you while you we on the left coast! I will put the sharpies to GOOD use.

D - Last, but certainly not least, I give you this.

Kay's winning package. I will not show you what's inside. But I will tell you that all of my contests will come with a disclaimer. *Warning! The Bookish Girl, while well intentioned, is exceedingly lazy. Enter at your own risk* The only good thing about this laziness/well intentioned combo is that my guilt causes me to add to the package to make up for the delay. I expect to ship by Christmas - at which point Kay will have to move to a new house to fit all of its goodness.


Blogger claudia said...

I'm really sorry to have missed seeing you at Julia's. Hope you are feeling improved!

8/17/2005 10:28 AM  
Blogger wenders said...

Laughing - yup, SPW is my Mama! I figured I might want to blog about her cancer, and she sometimes blogs about me, so it was getting super weird to try to remain incognito... :)

And, I need a piggy bank! Where's this junk store of which you speak? :)

8/17/2005 4:35 PM  
Blogger Micky said...

Heehee. Thanks in advance for playing along.

8/17/2005 8:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no - no stomach instability for you! that sucks! i hope you're feeling better. let me know if i can bring you soup, or tea, or anything at all!

8/18/2005 11:52 AM  
Blogger WandaWoman said...

Sorry your parents were there and were sick and I hope you're not getting sick either. that's no fun. Hope you feel better soon!

8/18/2005 11:16 PM  

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