Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Love is all you need.

Ten of My Favorite Things (tagged by Cara, who I also love)

1. My bed. I love my bed. I especially love my bed in the morning when I wake up and realize that I'm in it. And that my love is next to me. I love that moment.

2. My animals. I'm not the best mom, but I love them with more heart and soul than is normal.

3. Knitting. I love knitting, the friends that I've made, the sanity it brings me, and the fact that that it's a social hobby (as opposed to reading, which is inherently not social.)

4. My family. They drive me crazy but I love them. My parents are incredible and I feel so lucky and blessed to have them as my own. I am what I am in large part because of their efforts.

5. My "swan" families (Margene, I just love this...I hope you don't mind that I co-opted it.) I have been incredible lucky with friendships. I met my best friends when I was 12. They are still my best friends. We expanded our circle as we entered high school and the "pool" got bigger as 2 schools joined to one. Three of us ended up at the same college where the circle expanded further. I feel incredibly happy that almost all of these people were at my wedding. They are a huge part of my life and left me with an incredibly high standard of friendship. They have supported me, challenged me, and called me out when needed. I love them with all my heart. Fortunately, that has served me well.

6. Cooking. I love to cook for people. I don't know if it's my Italian heritage or what but to me, cooking someone a good meal is like giving them the largest hug you could ever muster.

7. Reading. There are times when escapism is the only way to go. For me, this happens at least once a day. Reading is my daily dose of "Reality TV".

8. Water. In my former career I was an Environmental Scientist who focused on Water Resources. Particularly fresh water resources: rivers, streams, lakes, reservoirs. I am happiest when I'm by/near water. In Grad school I spent an entire summer doing field work on the water. Every day on the river. It was incredible. The weekends were spent on St. Simon's Beach. H-E-A-V-E-N.

9. Children. All shapes, sizes, colors and smells. Although they're not so much fun when they're screaming their heads off...or when their voice rises above the normal octave to screech mode. I still love them.

10. My husband. The love of my life. I miss him when he's in the other room. I have to touch him when I sleep. He drives me bonkers most waking hours. I love it.

I think I'll add pictures to this later. You all should see my loves!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love you too!

5/10/2005 8:32 PM  
Blogger Dani said...

Love all your answers! I saw you went to the Festival this past weekend... I am super jealous! Look foward to reading more!

5/11/2005 8:40 AM  
Blogger Dana S. Whitney said...

Excuse me... I'm a big dim. what do you mean about swan families. It is not soo late that i can't get one?

5/14/2005 5:20 AM  

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