Where on God's Green Earth...
have you all been hiding?! Do you come here all the time and I just don't know it? Or did you just stumble upon me and think, "hey, I'm up for some bloggy love with the possibility of fabulous prizes." Cause I'm feeling the bloggy love. In fact, some would say I've been bowled over by it. Unfortunately I don't have the means to figure out who some of you are (as in, if you have a blog or if you are one of the "normal" people who keeps their hobbies and life off the Internet.) For those of you who have public profiles on Blogger I've had a fabulous time finding you. For those of you who don't - well leave your website or, if you're without, your dilly-o (that means deal, as in who and what you are - that's what the kids in the neighborhood, oh I mean 'hood, tell me.)
Thank you for taking the time to vote, and really, for letting me know you're out there.
While I bask in the light that is blog love I would like to entertain you with one of my new favorite pastimes.
Turn A Superstar into a Fool
This is Angela Jolie. She has been designated as one of the world's most beautiful/sexy women. I would have to concur. As Melanie said the other day, "I would totally switch sides for her." She is a bit strange but she is one fabulously beautiful woman. Yo.
We recently got Tivo. I love to record programs, watch them, and then pause in places where people are making funny/unattractive/goofy faces. The amusement is never ending. Take for instance, Angelina. She was recently on Inside the Actor's Studio looking fabulous.
Not anymore....
See, even beautiful people look crappy sometimes.
ps - If that isn't entertaining enough, go check out Kellee's shoes. Oh yah. The revolution starts now. I encourage you all to come clean about the ugly shoes in your closet. Even the ugly ducklings need a little love. And with hand knit socks in them, how could they not feel it?
Please go see Ms Sultry....she needs all kinds of bloggy love. For real.